a lite EV (LEV) its a vehicle that has a motor driven by a battery, in Australia the loose way to read the 2023 legislation classified it as under 60 volt, there’s a whole bunch of other information and rules around it which varies by state Aswell, as i work across 4 states and 2 territories, EOM Bikes use federal rules and change the outcome for the intended state of use. here pictured left to right is and electric motorcycle, battery floor scrubber, electric side by side and an Ebike, there’s many more if you just think about what uses dc power under 60 volts. with all the skills in power train design and tooling needed to build these things or convert/upgrade them it was only obvious to go in to camping and caravan 12v and solar system integration and moving up to solar charge carport with inverters for off grid charging of agricultural equipment.


lite ebike conversion